My purpose is to empower women
Battling the Flames
along their journey of life

Kenya is a mother, Certified Life and Health Coach, HR Professional, Author and Motivational Speaker. Her life's journey has led her on a unique journey she is still embarking upon.
A woman of ambition, passion, and purpose, Kenya has seen her own fair share of struggles. These struggles have empowered her to use her knowledge, experience, and expertise to help other women transform their mindset, elevate their life’s next chapter, and reach their desired outcome.

In 2021, Kenya launches her new book “Battling the Flames” where she unabashedly shares her life’s lessons with the world.
She wrote the book for the professional woman, wife, mom, single, divorcee who has gone or is going through the fire that is not destroying but hardening them. Her desire for her readers is to come away with a greater sense of appreciation for the types of fires we, as women, struggle to control.
"Battling the Flames" - Signed Edition $19.99