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Kenya Carr
Jun 19, 20233 min read
20 Stress Relievers
I must share that as I've battled high blood pressure off and on, it has recently come to my attention that my level of stress and...
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Kenya Carr
Jan 7, 20234 min read
Step Five is Be the Author of Your Life
I've been gone way too long! I sound like a broken record, don't I? My fault! :( I'm confident that I will do better because we should...
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Kenya Carr
Oct 8, 20225 min read
Step Four is Surround Sound Your Life with How You Want to Feel
I've been gone way too long! Ain't that the truth?! What can I say! Living our best life means we need to take mental breaks sometimes...
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Kenya Carr
Jul 31, 20224 min read
Step Three is Be Intentional
Why is it that most things said, sound easy, until you actually do them? Now the doing is the hard part. Am I right?! What's that...
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Kenya Carr
Jun 25, 20225 min read
Step Two is Choose Love and Acceptance
Man, all I can say is that there is a lot going on in the world; most of which I cannot bear. We must focus on what matters most in the...
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Kenya Carr
May 15, 20227 min read
Step One is Forgive Yourself
If you read my email two weeks ago, I shared the 6 steps to owning your magic: Forgive Yourself Choose love and acceptance Be intentional...
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Kenya Carr
Apr 10, 20227 min read
Small Steps that Lead to a Healthier You
Why?! I mean why do I put myself through this all the time? I don't want to do it. Do I really have to? I mean, if I do it, will it...
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Kenya Carr
Mar 13, 20225 min read
6 Things We Wish We Did In Our 20s
As I reflect on where I am in my life right now, I feel I’m making my life easier because I’ve learned from my experiences, and they’ve...
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Kenya Carr
Nov 13, 20219 min read
Yep! It's That Time of the Year!
Are you just as excited as I am?! Why, you ask?! Because it's the holiday season!!! Yay! And almost the "cover yourself up because it's...
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